"We are God's accomplishment, created in Christ Jesus to do good things. God planned for these good things to be the way that we live our lives."

- Ephesians 2:10


Our 2023 Stewardship Campaign will focus on how, at Mulberry, “We Are Healers.“

We will spend the next three weeks telling the story of Mulberry and how your giving makes a difference as we live out our mission “to share the heart of God from the heart of downtown Macon by fostering healing for the brokenness places of life.” We will hear from some of our members and staff as they share their experiences in worship, growing through small groups and Sunday School classes, and serving our community with the Church. You’ll also hear about our new “shared rhythms” of weekly worship, weekly discipleship, monthly service, and monthly giving. These are rhythms that we as members adopt in order to grow in our faith, our relationship with our church family, and our capacity to serve our community.  By committing ourselves to these rhythms, we create space for God to work in our lives by transforming us into the likeness of Christ, thereby allowing us to be better agents of God’s healing presence here in Macon.

Digital Pledge Card



Worship is where we encounter the healing presence of God. We encounter God through music, preaching, the sacraments, and gathering with others in our local church family. Through worship, we are nourished, and we are sent into the world to serve others and share the heart of God.

Worship Personalities Form


Discipleship—through small groups, Sunday School classes, or book studies— is where we explore what it means to foster healing for the broken places of life. In these groups, we talk about where we see God (or where we don’t), and we encourage each other in our faith journeys. Through sharing the joys and difficulties of life, we help each other find healing and we practice how those healing encounters happen.

Growing at Mulberry Form


Through service, we foster healing for the broken places in our community. The needs in our community are many, and we are a church community with diverse gifts. Therefore, we must make a commitment to sharing our gifts with our community and connecting with the deepest needs here in Macon.

Serve Sunday Sign-Up


Support the ministry of MSUMC regularly, not out of a sense of obligation, but out of faith and belief that God is at work through our ministries.

Narrative Budget


For our stewardship campaign this year, we partnered with RIP Medical Debt for a special fundraiser to abolish medical debt in our community! This incredible organization will use our financial support to purchase medical debt on the secondhand marketplace, preventing it from going to debt collectors, and abolish it completely. A $1 donation is able to pay off $100 in medical debt! 

This fundraiser ran from September 11 through September 24, and our goal was to raise $12,000, $2,000 of that to support the RIP General fund and their administrative costs, and $10,000 of that money going directly to abolishing medical debt in Bibb County and other counties in Middle and South Georgia. We are thrilled to say that, thanks to your generosity, we not only met but exceeded our goal of $12,000. In total, we raised $15,000, which means we will be erasing over 1 million dollars of medical debt in our community!

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 8 as we celebrate the work we have done and share exactly how much debt we have erased for our neighbors!